Lillian Rose made her long-awaited appearance just after midnight on Wednesday night. She was 7 lb 6.5 oz and 20 inches long - almost exactly average sized, which was funny because everyone seemed to think she was going to be small!
We had a bit of a rough delivery and Lillian didn't want to eat at first, but has been nursing like a champ ever since. She is a little jaundiced but the doctor was happy with her progress and we went home on Friday. On Saturday she had only lost 2 oz from her birth weight, which is wonderful for a breastfed baby!
Audrey has been so excited & is handling being a big sister really well! She was so happy to come to the hospital to meet Lillian and was very proud to hold her for the first time. Michael said she marched all over the hospital telling people that she had a little girl and that she was a big sister. She has had almost no jealousy and is being wonderful - hopefully she keeps it up :)
We've been pretty busy keeping both our girls happy, but it's been fun! Hopefully we will head to Philadelphia on Tuesday. I can't wait to finally settle down in our new home!
Here are some photos - I will try to update soon!
Hurray! Congratulations,SAndy,Michael,and Audrey. What a healthy looking baby! love Caroline ,Walter Adam, Andrew ,and Peter.