Friday, February 3, 2012

Audrey is excited to be a big sister!

We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Audrey's little sister, Lillian...she should be here any day now!

Her "due date" is February 6th, but so far Lillian seems to be content to hang out and is doing well. Thankfully I feel pretty good for the most part, so apart from our excitement to meet her, I am okay with waiting. It's funny to think that at this point in my last pregnancy, Audrey was already two months old!

Audrey has been very interested in talking about Lillian and is very proud that she is a big sister. She isn't too interested in my belly, although she has been asking to feel Lillian a little more lately. A couple of months ago she did have a moment of panic when she thought my belly was going to pop, but after I explained to her that was not going to happen she managed to calm down :)

Audrey likes to talk about what she will do with Lillian, and what she will "teach" her. Recently Audrey said that she was going to hold Lillian's hand and that she was going to teach her to laugh. It's very sweet.

She has also been great about sharing with Lillian, if something is too small for her - which has happened a lot recently as she is really going through a growth spurt - Audrey suggests that Lillian can wear it. With all the clothes that Audrey had we have had to buy almost nothing for Lillian!

Last week Audrey said "I can't wait for Lillian to come." And we all feel the same. I am looking forward to finally having our family together and settling in to our new home in Philadelphia. I know it's been tough for all of us and it will be a relief to be together again!

And just for fun, here is a video of Audrey yesterday being silly, dancing and singing :)

1 comment:

  1. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE LILLIAN TOO! caroline ,walter adam ,andrew in london UK and peter in seattle
