Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My big eight-month-old girl!

Happy eight-month birthday to Lillian!  My time at home with Audrey and Lillian has flown by.  I'm trying to prepare mentally to go back to work and while in a way eight months is a short time, and it's hard to believe that Lillian has only been with us for only eight months, it's also amazing how much she has grown and developed!

Audrey is already excited for her Lillian's real birthday and to see her to eat cake, although I hope she is ready for cake by then.  At this point Lillian still eats almost no food...I'm wondering if maybe she is one of those children that doesn't like baby food purees, but maybe when she has developed her pincer-grasp and can pick up small pieces she will enjoy eating more.

Lillian loves to babble and squeal right now.  So much so that she has been waking up at night to talk dadadadada, gagaga, ahahah and various other noises.  It seems like she will probably be vocal like her big sister.  Lillian also seems to have very good hearing and is very responsive to sounds and enjoys music.  But I can't tell if she understands any words yet - I keep trying to repeat words for some of her favorite things, like bath and Audrey, but I can't discern a definite response yet.  I am so eager for us to be able to communicate :)

Her personality is still very easy-going, but if she sees something she wants she can be quite determined to get to it.  She still isn't quite crawling, but is moving around more and more all the time...still mostly backwards, but she can spin herself around on her belly quite well.  Lillian loves to interact with and play with Audrey and is so sweet and happy when she wakes up from a nap or when her Daddy comes home from work.  She gives such a big happy grin and will usually "say" something.

She backed herself into a corner :)

What to do?

And her poor gums, look at the drool, but still no teeth!
And hanging out on the couch:

Good night & I hope all of our Canadian friends and family had a happy Thanksgiving this weekend!  We did a small dinner with Nana before she went back to Toronto for a couple of weeks before coming back to stay with us through my transition back to work.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


I'm trying to catch up with all our photos - I just found photos from Lillian at 7 months on my Canon and she will be 8 months old on Wednesday!

We have been back to Canada again for a wedding, Michael's cousin Mindy's wedding.  We had a really nice time and it was a lovely autumn wedding.  Audrey was a flower girl for the first time and did a really good job.  I didn't get to take too many photos at the wedding, but hopefully we will get some from the photographer.

Audrey is enjoying going to preschool three mornings a week and has been making friends.  We have had a couple of playdates with her new friend Kira from school - here they are enjoying a treat a couple of weeks ago, and today we met up at the art museum for some rainy day fun.

Lillian's new favorite thing is bath time with Audrey.  She adores splashing and playing in the tub, as long as Audrey doesn't knock her over (we had a little bit of a scare last night, but everything was fine.)
 Lillian enjoying her playmat.  She now scoots backwards and will travel quite a distance until she backs into something.

Audrey having a blast with the other flower girl, Isabella:

Mindy on her way to the wedding!

Audrey at the Persian ceremony - apparently this was not an appropriate place to sit & they were chased off:

Nana with Lillian & Tia Fa with her grandson, Christian:

Lillian's seven-month photo shoot:

She loves to squeal & babble: