Saturday, July 27, 2013

Weekend adventures in July

I've been extremely busy this month, but we do our best to squeeze in as much fun as possible on the weekends (and the occasional weeknight too!)

Lillian continues to make rapid advances in her vocabulary and comprehension.  It's so exciting to hear her say new words almost every day and she definitely understands even more.  She's also continuing to be a little monkey - if we turn our back for a second she is moving things around and trying to climb as high as she can.  She can get up on the dining room table in seconds.  Lillian is mischievous too - if she knows we don't want her to do something, she will look you in the eye and do it, while saying, "No, no, no."  She also likes to throw things in the toilet, but thankfully we manage to prevent that most of the time.

Audrey is enjoying her summer and spending time with Nana.  She is also looking forward to starting pre-kindergarten in September.  And she is even more excited for our upcoming visit with Cousin Adele and Baba, and then our trip to North Carolina!

We enjoyed our Fourth of July in Philadelphia.  It was much more low key than our holiday in New York last year.  We went to a local neighborhood parade which the girls thoroughly enjoyed, and later in the weekend we watched the fireworks downtown.  I had been concerned that Lillian might be scared of the fireworks as many children are, but she was unfazed!

At the Glenside Fourth of July parade with our good friends:

Baby buddies - but not really babies anymore!

At the annex to the Philadelphia Museum of Art.  They are running a wonderful program all summer, called Art Splash.  The have exhibits of interest to children, and weekly art activities.

 At the fireworks show on the Philadelphia waterfront:

Today we explored the "pop-up beach" in front of the art museum.  It was a very cool space with sandboxes, misters, ping pong, giant chess and a stage with live music.

August is going to be an action packed month with lots of visitors and vacation.  We can't wait!

Here is a video of Lilian talking a couple of weeks ago:

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