Our baby is one! This past year has flown by and brought so many changes. Both of our girls are growing so fast and have such funny personalities. They are a true joy.
In the last couple of weeks Lillian has been developing very quickly. She now has 5 teeth and can say several different words. She can definitely consistently say baby and dada. She also still says uh-oh. And she will sometimes say thank you, hello and bye - although you have to know what she's saying to understand. I'm surprised that she hasn't started saying Audrey yet, but I'm sure she will soon!
And the biggest new change is that Lillian is walking! I have video from the first night that she really got the confidence to start walking and she has really taken off since then, I just need to get it from Baba's camera! Lillian still drops into a crawl, but soon she will be strong enough to walk longer distances. She can already go at least 8 or 10 feet.
Here is Lillian enjoying herself on her birthday:
Playing with her new puzzle:
Audrey enjoyed helping Lillian unwrap her gifts:
We had a bit of a problem making the cake, so Lillian ended up with cinnamon crumb coffee cake:
Lillian enjoyed her birthday dinner:
And Audrey had fun as well :)
Here is Lillian experiencing candles and cake:
The day after Lillian's birthday we continued the celebration at the Please Touch Museum:
Kira and her little sister Ingrid joined us for some fun at the museum:
Silly Audrey:
Lillian playing at the pretend children's hospital:
Audrey and Lillian doing some grocery shopping:
Ingrid & Lillian hanging out in the play grocery store:
Lillian loves music. Here she is jamming out on the mini-piano:
Lillian was so worn out from her fun weekend that she resorted to using this ball as a pillow!:
The girls all had fun on the log slide:
This is one of Audrey's silly slide maneuvers - the sleeping slide: